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The Parliament is the main lawmaking body of the Kingdom of Austria. It consists of 3-11 members (not including the King or Chancellor), and creates the laws that the citizens of the Kingdom are to follow.

Imperial Family

The House of Habsburg is one of the most important royal houses of Europe. The throne of the Holy Roman Empire was continuously occupied by the Habsburgs between 1438 and 1740. The house also produced Emperors and kings of Kingdom of Bohemia, Germany, Hungary, Croatia, Mexico, Portugal and Spain, as well as rulers of several Dutch and Italian countries.


The Kingdom of Austria claims the territory of West, and East Galicia as a whole. We in no way are trying to take over, or overthrow the current government, but we consider ourselves a full nation, with citizens, and a government of our own.

Austria  Ã–sterreich

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This site is part of an activity known as micronationalism. This means that it is a "nation-model", a hobby that comes to historical modeling  which in no way should be seen as a real claim to the modern territories that were once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire or space to manifestations of groups who preach racial hatred or extremist orientations of any nature.


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